Goderich Osteopathic Manual Therapy

Optimize Your Well-being with Expert Osteopathic Therapy in Goderich

About Lorenda

Meet Lorenda, a skilled practitioner with a background in massage therapy. She graduated from the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Toronto, Ontario, after completing five years of intensive training in manual osteopathic techniques and a research thesis. Lorenda is a respected member of the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO), showcasing her professionalism and commitment to her craft.

What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?

Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is a practical and hands-on healthcare approach rooted in a comprehensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, patho-physiology, and biomechanics. OMT recognizes the unity of body, mind, and spirit and aims to restore balance through a whole-body perspective. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners focus on optimizing the body's self-healing mechanism. This therapy can effectively complement a multi-disciplinary healthcare strategy. Learn more about Osteopathic Manual Therapy from the insights provided by the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO).

What Can Osteopathic Manual Therapy Help Treat

  • Acute or chronic pain

  • Neck, shoulder, back and joint pain

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Sleep or energy issues

  • Circulatory issues

  • Digestive dysfunctions

  • Post-surgical recovery

  • Postural problems

  • Reproductive difficulties

  • Cardiorespiratory concerns

  • Paediatric conditions

  • Sports-related injuries


  • As a natural skeptic and critical thinker, I would not have been a willing participant in osteopathic manual therapy if it wasn’t for the desperation to find a treatment plan for my ailments. However, the noticeable improvement in my quality of life after one treatment with Lorenda was something I could not accept as coincidence. Always looking forward to my next session. Thank you, Lorenda!

    A. R.

  • As a life long migraine sufferer, have found relief with Osteopathic manual therapy. Massage and chiro did help, but osteopathic manual therapy made the biggest difference. Thank you Lorenda! So very fortunate to have this skill set in our little part of the world.


  • Lorenda is an excellent and personable osteopathic manual practitioner. She has certainly helped me on my health journey with things including TMJ dysfunction, gut health, feet, etc.I appreciate that we have been able to "unravel the onion" so to speak so that my health has seen a large overall improvement.


  • Visiting an osteopathic manual practitioner for the first time, you are likely to be both in pain and also somewhat wary of what’s in store. Lorenda combines professionalism with a genuine warmth and friendliness that allows you to feel calm, reassured and in good hands throughout the appointment… Most importantly, of course, she really knows what she is doing.

    K. S.

Contact Us

Located at Goderich Wellness Centre

145 Huron Rd, Goderich, Ontario, Canada



Monday thru Thursday 10 - 6 

Wear loose, comfortable, clothing to your appointment

Most private and extended health benefit plans cover the cost, in whole or in part,  of osteopathic services specifically provided by OAO members.